
Showing posts from October, 2022

6 Tips for First-Time Homebuyers

  While buying a house is exciting, the reality can be overwhelming. You are new to the market and don't know where or how to start.  With these tips, you'll be ready for whatever is coming your way as you search for your next home. Be realistic about your budget As a first-time buyer, you don't want to get caught up in the fantasy that you can buy your dream home at any price. You'll probably have better luck if you stick with your budget and keep an eye on your finances as you move forward. Build your credit report Building your credit report is the first step to getting a mortgage loan. You need to make your credit history so lenders can see that you are a responsible borrower and have the ability to repay a loan. Get pre-approved for a mortgage before you start looking at homes The first thing you'll need to do is get pre-approved for a mortgage . Your lender will want to prove that you have enough income and credit to afford the monthly payments on your mortgag

Evidence Of Global Warming

Signs of global warming are all around us. And they may seem small, but they add to significant changes we can expect in the following few decades—changes that are already causing climate change. So don't stop and look around too hard at these signs of global warming — they're everywhere! Below are some of the major global warming signs More heat waves Global warming is causing more heat waves , and they're happening more often. The number of days with extreme heat has increased globally by an average of 2.5 percent per decade since 1980, according to Nature Climate Change . The scientists who conducted the study found that some regions have seen increases in the frequency of heat waves as much as ten times greater than others. And sustained global warming will likely continue to lead to more frequent and intense heat waves in many areas. Heat waves are deadly because they bring dehydration and a lack of access to air conditioning or other cooling systems for people who liv

R&D TAX Credits: Tips To Avoid An HMRC Enquiry

5 Tips to avoid an HMRC enquiry An enquiry (compliance check) is when HRMC starts investigating a company's R&D credit filling. In most cases, enquiries are preceded by nudge letters from tax investigators seeking extra information about your claim. There has been a spike in fraudulent R&D tax claims in the UK. Several causes have contributed to this trend, one being that the tax advice market has been filled with consultancy firms that claim to be experts when they are not. The government and HRMC will continue to crack down on abusive R&D Tax claims. The body has added over 1300 new staff members in the past few years to boost its capacity to pursue tax collection and avoidance. This body is focused on abusive or fraudulent claims, and other fillings with obscure financial errors and technical explanations are scrutinized. The outcome is that an increasing number of submissions lacking bulletproof financials and watertight technical narratives are attracting unwanted