
Showing posts from November, 2022

The Ultimate Guide For Improving Sleep

Everyone has trouble sleeping from time to time , but when when insomnia persists, it becomes a real problem. Beyond making you tired and moody, lack of sleep can cause serious effects on your health and increase chances of diseases like type 2 diabetes. You might have decided to to turn to sleep medication, however, these drugs can have side effects such as appetite changes, dizziness and dry mouth. You don’t need to avoid sleep aids if you absolutely need them, but before you turn into pills, try these simple hacks to a more restful slumber: 1.   Exercise Going for a walk will not only trim you down, but also it will keep you up less often at night. Exercise boosts melatonin which is the natural sleep hormone. A study in the journal sleep found out that individuals who exercise often had an easier time falling asleep than those who don’t exercise. Morning workouts  are best as they expose you to bright daylight which boost the natural circadian rhythm. 2.   Reserve bed for sleep and